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Sample Original: is a sublime web site that expedites learning in myriad ways. It helps with reading betterment, and it invites discourse on more topics.

Sample Output: is a sublime web site that expedites learning in myriad ways. It helps with reading betterment, and it invites discourse on more topics.

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Get the app

Want the app? Good news: you already have it. is the app. It's a web app. You don't download it from Google Play or the App Store. You just run it from the web. Why? To save you time and give you the best experience. We update our Rewordifying Engine almost daily. With a web app, you get the update immediately, without doing anything. You don't like updating apps all the time, do you? We optimized our site to be lightning-fast and use as little of your data plan as possible—just like an app you download.

Here's how to load the web app on your phone or tablet:

For Safari

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Go to
  3. Click on the Action button:

    Action button

  4. Click Add to Home Screen.
  5. The web app is installed. Click its icon on your home screen to run it.

For the Android browser

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Go to
  3. Click on the Bookmark button:

    Bookmark button

  4. Click Add bookmark.
  5. Press and hold the new bookmark.
  6. Click Add shortcut to Home.
  7. The web app is installed. Click its icon on your home screen to run it.

Other browsers

  1. Launch your browser.
  2. Go to
  3. Add the site as a bookmark. The procedure will vary by browser and device.
  4. Then, save the bookmark to your desktop, home screen, etc. The procedure will vary by browser and device.